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2019 CPS wk1


WK 1 - Observation 


Observation ٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶


Blind Drawing, Line Drawing

Allison Kunath website:

Observation is the active acquisition of information from a primary source. In living beings, observation employs the senses but not limited by senses. It is the product of individual thought and expression. Different from most of the blind drawing. In Allison Kunath's drawing practice, she draw the object through touch. Inspired by this practice. I want to explore use touching to create arts.


Explore blind drawing for the human face and try to capture the facial expression through touch.


In this practice, I used our sense to create art. Inspired by Allison Kunath’s work. I explored blind drawing for this practice with Sophia(Ang Li). We drew each other's face on paper and tried to capture the facial expression through touching instead of seeing. We perceived the face with one hand and responded with pencil marks made by the other hand.


This exercise created a route of communication between the two hands. The significance is that the hand that makes the mark with the pencil moves simultaneously and responds to the hand that is exploring the face. Information will be transferred, made visible and the drawing is made in response to touch. Moreover, supposedly is activated the part of our mind that genuinely observes shapes. When we try to perceive objects in a different way than before, we will get different feelings and results. ◈ ◈

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