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2019 CPS wk4

WK 4 - Discussions Of Place



Discussions Of Place



As soon as you place a character within an environment the two become inseparable. The environment is the character and the character is the environment. They are woven from each other. An environment is not just a container in which unrelated events occur but still can telling a story.

In this practice, my concept is environmental storytelling, which is inherently minimalistic in its overall execution of conveying a narrative. This concept mostly applies to the game. Examples of environmental storytelling can be found in the Dark Souls games. I wonder if it can apply this concept in animation.

A site I chose: The Port Arthur Historic Site. 

The Convict Era

Port Arthur Historic Site is a large site holding a great many stories.  Places like the Penitentiary, which was originally constructed as a flour mill and granary in 1843, before it housed hundreds of convicts in dormitories and solitary cells; or the much-feared Separate Prison, where harsh physical punishment was replaced with the punishment of the mind. These men and women were convicted of crimes that seem trivial today, mostly stealing small articles or livestock. One in five was a woman. Numbers of children were also transported with their parents. Few returned home.

Nick Fouquet:


Image source:

I used the same character and environment but change the design of that environment to tell a different story and give the audience different feelings. I will use a photograph of the penitentiary and try to create a different view through integrating color and the place.  See how the color evokes viewers emotion and give viewers different feelings (for the same place).


When I simply adjusted the brightness of the photo and added color and shape, it showed a completely different state. It looks like a fantasy story about a prison club at midnight. I think this technique can be appropriately applied in our project instead of focusing on the depiction of animated characters. In this situation, a story is imparted directly to the audience, with little or no interpretation necessary.

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