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2019 CPS 

WK 9 - Forces





1. Only can be something that you are most frightened the most.

2. Make using NotePad

3.Everything is liquid





One of the things that I fear most is darkness.  Therefore, I tried to make a frame-by-frame animation with Notes. The black liquid flows down from the top and finally takes up the whole screen.


I used to try to separate forces from solutions when I think about my design ideas. Because I don't want my idea to be influenced too much by forces. From this work, I found that make something under the forces let me think in a different way. There are facts about the world that I must accept in order to make a design work. I take the forces into account in my design so that it stands. The forces we got which might look ridicules. What will happen if we treat those things as if they were physical laws? The value of considering forces is we can answer questions about how to shape the design solution by inquiring into the forces that bear on it. The fitness between the forces bearing on the design and solutions under consideration is the key point of design work.

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